Project Outcomes & Objectives

CPRB 3.6 Demonstrate Project Management Skills


The resident shall use effective project management skills to undertake, conduct and successfully complete a project related to pharmacy practice


  1. The resident shall be involved in all aspects of the project, including project development, data collection, analysis and interpretation

  2. The resident shall prepare a written report of the project in a format suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal

  3. The resident shall present and defend the outcomes of the project

CPRB 2.2.2 Educational Approach


The program shall use a systematic process to design, plan and/or organize an academic program that facilitates a resident’s achievement of the intended educational outcomes

  1. There shall be a defined process for initial selection, ongoing review and support for of the residency project (as per Standard 3.6).
    1. There shall be a defined process for solicitation, evaluation, and approval of project topics
    2. The time allotted for residency project(s) shall not exceed ten (10) weeks (interpreted as 50 residency days)
    3. The scope of the project(s) shall be such that it does not interfere significantly with other rotations
    4. The pharmacist affiliated with the department shall be designated the primary preceptor of the project
    5. A process shall be in place to provide ongoing review, support, and feedback to the resident

CPRB 3.5 Provide Medication and Practice-Related Education


The resident shall effectively respond to medication- and practice-related questions, and educate others

  1. The resident shall demonstrate scholarly writing skills in all written work, including but not limited to the written report of the project.

Research Project Objectives

  1. Establish background and rationale for a specific project (CPRB 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3)

  2. Define specific research question(s) and design suitable methodology to address the question(s) (e.g. design, statistical analysis, etc) (CPRB 3.4.1, 3.6.1)

  3. Identify and effectively address ethical considerations in the conduct of the project (CPRB 3.6.1).

  4. Manage competing priorities and multiple deadlines in the conduct of the project (CPRB 3.4.1, 3.6.1)

  5. Apply sound scientific reasoning in the collection and interpretation of project data (CPRB 3.4.1, 3.6.1)

  6. Work effectively and efficiently within a team, applying skills in communication, negotiation, and delegation (CPRB 3.4.1, 3.6.1)

  7. Verbally and visually present outcomes of the project, along with conclusions, to an interdisciplinary audience (CPRB 3.6.3)

  8. Apply scholarly writing skills to communicate the project background, methodology, results, and interpretation, in a format suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (CPRB 3.6.2)

Role of pharmacy Students as research Volunteers

There is no role for pharmacy students to participate in residency research projects. Students are permitted to shadow as long as there is no sharing of patient information. The resident must inform and obtain permission of the project Primary Investigator before any students shadow on the projects.